
The digital world. Literally.

What if...

Societies existed within Minecraft?

Economies developed within Minecraft?

Civilizations developed within Minecraft?

Say hello to FlatEarth.

FlatEarth is a community-based Minecraft server that is fully "open source" and is a free to play anarchy world where it's citizens are the ones who govern the world. Communities and societies will exist within the world, and anyone is free to do whatever they want to do. However, there is a catch. Certain societies and civilizations will survive, while others will not. Once a player dies, it's over. The player will be banned for a very long time, in which it is being essentially "dead".


A few other things that are unique to this server.

  • In the game, in order to not prevent the chat from getting polluted, there will be a "slow mode" implemented to the chat system.
  • "Gods" (mods) will be looking around to see if anybody is using hacks/cheats. The mods can only play in spectator mode so that the players cannot interact with them.
  • It has a world border that teleports you to the other side whenever it is touched, simulating a globe in which its inhabitants are able to explore the entire circumference and meet people from all sides of the world.